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Northwest Washington Woodturners

A chapter of the American Association of Woodturners

Thursday, November 21 is the NWW Holiday Party!

We will be meeting at a different location (the same location as last year's Holiday party):
Lodge @ Hillcrest Park
1717 South 13th Street
Mount Vernon, WA  98274

If you haven't registered, please do so ASAP so we have good count for our food planningHoliday Party November Meeting - 11/21/2024 

If you can help with the set up please volunteer on our website at: Holiday Party

As a reminder, the Presidents Challenge is to bring an ornament you have turned. This challenge will be judged by attendees (People's Choice) and the winner will receive a $30 gift certificate to Carter and Sons Tools!

Our evening will include a Potluck Dinner, Silent Auction, Bucket Raffle and Ornament Display!


Welcome to Northwest Washington Woodturners

NWW provides education and social support for woodturners in the Northwest Washington region. Our primary goal is to provide a forum for turners of all skill levels to exchange knowledge, ideas, and information about safe woodturning.

The following paragraph represents our USUAL AND CUSTOMARY meeting plan. However, these are subject to change.

NWW meets every third Thursday of the month, starting at 6:15pm and usually lasts 2-3 hours. The exceptions to this are August, when we have a potluck picnic in lieu of a meeting, and December when there is no scheduled meeting. Members are invited to arrive at 5:30 pm and bring dinner or simply socialize.

Meetings are open to anyone interested in woodturning. Guests and visitors of all skill levels from beginners to advanced turners are always welcome.

See the Monthly Meetings for more information as well as driving directions, and see our Membership page for more information about joining.


NWW membership is open to woodturners of all skill levels. We are a volunteer-based organization, supported by the efforts and annual dues of our members. Standard membership dues are $35 per year, although other options are available. 

About Us


NWW provides education and social support for woodturners in the Northwest Washington region. Our primary goal is to provide a forum for turners of all skill levels to exchange knowledge, ideas, and information about safe woodturning. 


Our club works because its members get involved. We want YOU! Volunteer today.


Keep up with our active club and review the many interesting things we’ve done recently. 

Event Calendar 

NWW meets every third Thursday of the month, starting at 6:15 pm, and usually lasts 2.5 hours. However, occasionally venue conflicts or holidays require us to meet on a different day. Please check the calendar regularly for upcoming events. Members are invited to arrive at 5:30 pm and bring dinner, help set up, or simply socialize.

Education &


The best way to learn is to join a club. There’s no better way to learn than to watch another turner in person and ask questions or to have them mentor you. But we also have lots of resources that will help develop your skills and knowledge. 


Members have access to our extensive library, video archives, useful links, handouts, and even preferred vendors that offer discounts. 


Enjoy seeing thousands of items that our members have created.